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United States FDA standard food commonly used names of regulatory summary (21 CFR 102nd)

Source: ShenZhenTobyTechnologyCo.,LtdPopularity: 2662Time: 2016-04-15SMB

American federal code Chapter 21 part 102 lists the common name of a series of non food standards, these commonly used name (including own name) must be as concise as possible of the words accurately identify or describe food basic properties or its properties or ingredients, each level of the same kind of food must have their common name. To collect food partner network will part 102 on non food standards commonly used name, for your reference. The content is as follows:

Abranch General
Section 102.19 non common name standard of food applications (Petitions)
Section 102.5 non standard common name food general (General principles)

Bbranch Common name for non standard food
§102.57 Greenland turbot (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides )
§102.55 Nonstandardized breaded composite shrimp units
§102.54 Seafood cocktails
§102.50 Crabmeat
§102.49 Fried clams made from minced clams
§102.47 Bonito
§102.46 Pacific whiting
§102.45 Fish sticks or portions made from minced fish
§102.41 Potato chips made from dried potatoes
§102.39 Onion rings made from diced onion
§102.37 Mixtures of edible fat or oil and olive oil
§102.33 Beverages that contain fruit or vegetable juice
§102.28 Foods packaged for use in the preparation of “main dishes” or “dinners.”
§102.26 Frozen “heat and serve” dinners
§102.23 Peanut spreads
§102.22 Protein hydrolysates